Space of Saelex

"Trying to avoid sadness is trying to avoid life."

Accessibility in media

“Accessibility allows us to tap into everyone’s potential.” ― Debra Ruh

Today’s topic is learning how we can be more accessible to our current media, I started with this quote as I think it fits quite well with the subject. Many websites or social media posts can be hard for certain people to see, read or even understand. Subtilties in videos don’t just cut it.

Or even people struggle with writing media posts, blogs, comments, and even papers some people have learning disabilities that without programs it read prompts out loud or grammatical checkers can really hinder those from using the internet. I’ve had past experience with this as a user with a learning disability I cannot write these blogs, or my essays without a spell checker or grammatical checker sometimes the program does not get all your mistakes which is why you might still see some of mine. This can hinder a person’s confidence in using the internet.

I found a video that I found inspiring to those who struggle with social media and how to make it accessible for yourself and others.

To develop even a further understanding this TED Talk of “Trudy Poux” experience with a learning disability is closely related to what other kids and high schoolers face.

“Trudy’s experience very similar to my own, you may even start to notice in my blogs sometimes not all of my words make sense, If I try to tell you my thoughts out loud all my ideas come out clear but if I just try to write what I think, I don’t always make the same connection.

Social Media and liabilities and accessibility need to be brought up more, so creators and others can benefit just the same ways as anyone else would.

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  1. zonyyang 2021-12-01

    I really enjoy reading your blog! The first video you choose really make me learn something. Accessibility for resources is not only important for the disabled but also important to promote education equality!
    Jun Yang

  2. shidhi 2021-12-06


    Enjoyed reading your blog post! Accessibility is something some of us take for granted without realizing how important it is to some people, and how necessary they are in today’s world. I believe there should be a requirement for every website, to pass an accessibility checker to ensure certain demographics of people are not missing out on anything.

    Great Post
    – Shidhi

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